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Nomtsas, reached and welcome...

Farm Nomtsas was bought by Otto Voigts on the 18th of July 1944, costing 46 526, 14 Pound.

York von Schütz managed Nomtsas until 1946, the large Nomtsas stoneshed beeing a perfect monument of this hard working man.

Otto Voigts took over 1946 and developed a huge Karakulproduction on Nomtsas.

Heino Voigts (born 1946) got married to Heide von Schütz (daughter of York von Schütz) in 1970. Heino and Heide Voigts took over Nomtsas 1971. Hard work, endurance and lots of Love made Farm Nomtsas what it is today!

Sadly, 13th February 2011, after 6 years of suffering, Heino Voigts had to leave Nomtsas and his family behind.

Lisa and I took over Nomtsas March 2011. We promise to take good care of what others have build and loved. We promise to develop, nurse and look after everything with and without a heartbeat on this farm!

Albert Voigts von Schütz


"Cattle breeding is a relatively simple endeavor. The only difficult part is to keep it simple"

Famous quote from Tom Lasater
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